If your vehicle has long-term fuel trim (LTFT) functionality, you may need to reset it in some cases. LTFT keeps your engine running at its most efficiency by adjusting the fuel used during different driving conditions. If it becomes out of adjustment, the system may try to compensate by using too much fuel, and your vehicle may not run as well as it should. Resetting LTFT can restore its original settings and improve fuel economy.
In summary, you can learn how to reset long term fuel trim by adjusting the ECM main fuse and main fuse or turning off the battery.
How To Reset Long Term Fuel Trim?
Simply put, fuel trims are the ongoing modifications an ECU makes to fuel delivery methods to maintain the air/fuel mixture as close to the stoichiometric point (also known as Lambda = 1) as is reasonably possible during the engine’s operating range.
Downstream of the catalytic converter, oxygen- or air-fuel ratio sensors track long-term fuel trims over extended periods of time. In practice, these sensors’ signal voltages do not directly affect how fuel is delivered, but there are some exceptions to this rule.
After any repair that can have an impact on the engine’s fuel and ignition system, it is crucial to reset your Long Term Fuel Trim (LTFT). To do this, you can try this method:
Bring the car’s temperature up to a functional level.
- Stop the engine.
- ECM main fuse should be removed.
- Start the car but leave the ignition on.
- Several problems will be found; therefore, wait for the system check to finish.
- Stop the engine.
- Alter the fuse.
- Activate the ignition, then wait for the system to run a check.
Long Term Fuel Trim: Positive & Negative
Long-term fuel trim depends on sensors in the exhaust system that are located after the catalytic converter. While the signal at the sensors upstream, where short-term fuel trim is monitored, may change regularly, the sensor signal farther down should be pretty steady. Long-term fuel trim is the phrase used to describe the measurements produced by these sensors, which are essentially an average of the changes the ECU made due to short-term fuel trim.
Long term fuel trim negative at idle
The air-fuel combination is excessively rich, according to the ECU’s data. Thus it reduces the fuel flow into the injectors if the value is negative.
“richer” combustion than the ECM or PCM projected results in negative fuel trim. Here are some typical reasons for poor long-term fuel trim:
- Gasoline injector that is leaking or rattling
- Fuel pressure issues are caused by a faulty fuel pressure regulator or a constrained fuel return line.
- Air intake restrictions or a blocked filter
- Restricted exhaust results from a blocked muffler, crushed pipage, or clogged converter.
- Defective wiring or oxygen sensor.
Long-term fuel trim (Ltft) positive

A positive fuel trim value indicates that the input data the ECU is getting inform it the mixture is too lean and that the ECU is raising the injector pulse width to add fuel to the air/fuel combination to enrich the mix.
A “leaner” combustion than the ECM or PCM anticipated results in positive fuel trim. Here are some typical reasons for long-term fuel trim that are favorable:
- Air or vacuum leaks occur in the throttle body, the manifold, or the vacuum hose.
- A bad fuel pump that isn’t producing enough volume or pressure.
- Restricted fuel flow as a result of a hose that is pinched or a clogged filter.
- Fuel pressure regulator that is defective and unable to handle enough fuel pressure.
- In the PCV system, there are air leaks.
- MAF (Mass Airflow) sensor failure.
- Fuel injectors that are clogged or inoperative.
- The fouled plug, a weak induction coil, or poor spark plug wires can all lead to ignition misfires.
- A broken valve that allows oxygen to enter the exhaust unburned.
- Air entering the manifold through a gasket leak or crack.
- Defective wiring or oxygen sensor.
What should long term fuel trim be at idle?
When the engine runs at a constant speed, long-term fuel cuts should be at or almost at 0%. Of course, the long-term fuel trim value will (and must) fluctuate when the engine speed varies, but as soon as the engine speed stabilizes, this value should go back to a value near 0%.
Long Term Fuel Trim Values: Brief Information
Long-term fuel trim values are a way to keep your car running as smoothly and efficiently as possible over time. By adjusting the fuel trim values, you can fine-tune your car’s performance to your liking. Just scroll down and discover more about this concept.
Long term fuel trim high values
The PCM adds fuel to return STFT control to the proper range if LTFT, or total fuel trim, is more than plus 10%, and it believes the air/fuel ratio is too lean. This presents three options:
- The combustion chambers are being exposed to unmeasured air.
- The amount of fuel entering the combustion chambers is below the specified level.
- A sensor or sensors are providing inaccurate data.
Long term fuel trim normal values
When the engine runs at a constant speed, long-term fuel trim values should typically range between positive 10% and negative 10%. It assumes that the machine is in excellent mechanical condition and that all sensors involved in metering both intake air and fuel are functioning correctly.
Long term fuel trim values not changing
The values of fuel trim sometimes need time to change, so you don’t need to be worried. Instead, unplug your battery if you want the settings to update more quickly.
How long does it take for long term fuel trim to adjust?
LTFT typically takes five to twenty seconds to change, and because it is saved in memory when the engine is turned off, the next time the system enters closed-loop operation, the same LTFT value is used.
What is long term fuel trim bank 1?
Fuel trim refers to the modification made by the PCM to the engine’s air-fuel mixture, and Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0170 is for “Fuel Trim Malfunction (Bank 1)”. The P0170 error code indicates that the fuel trims have been unusually high or low for a certain period of time.
What is long term fuel trim bank 2?
Fuel Trim Bank 2 is the name of the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0173, which denotes that the fuel trims in your automobile have reached their working limits (maximum rich or maximum lean). Fuel trim refers to the continual adjustments the PCM makes to the fuel mixture to keep the air-fuel ratio balanced.
How to fix when running rich, negative long term fuel trim?
Unplug the MAP sensor and turn off the truck. By doing this, the PCM will be compelled to utilize default tables depending on engine rpm, throttle position, and speed. Restart it to see if it performs any better. Recheck the fuel trims.

Helen J. Whiteaker is a journalist with ten years of experience in many fields. She has a degree in journalism from the University of Missouri and has worked in print and online media. She has written for several major publications, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Huffington Post. She has also been a contributor to several lifestyle and travel magazines.
In her work, Helen has always strived to provide accurate and fair coverage of the topics. Whether writing about the latest trends in home decorating or reporting on an important news story, Helen is dedicated to her craft and delivering the best possible information to her readers.
Helen was one of the first people to join ThisIsGuernsey and laid the foundation for the development of TIG. Currently, she holds the position of Editor in Chief, responsible for training and testing writers and coordinating with other departments to bring the best articles to readers.