How to see who you requested to follow on Twitter? For those of you who are just starting out with Twitter, this is a very common question you may be asking yourself.
You can view who is following you on Twitter, and you can ask them to follow you if they are interested. The fact that this is such an intriguing feature of Twitter probably appeals to a lot of people as well.
The following section contains a valuable amount of information about this topic that you will find of interest to you, so stay with us!
How Do You Usually Do When You See The Pending Follow Requests On Twitter?
Initially, you will receive your first friend request when you start using Twitter, and they will send you an invitation to be followed at the same time. In such a situation, what will you do?
How to know who you requested to follow on Twitter?
A follow invitation will automatically appear in the notification section of the app after someone invites you to follow, and you will be notified of the following invitation as soon as it is received. You will be able to know who has followed you by an icon that looks like “a bell”.
If you want to follow back someone who follows you, once you know who it is, you can also click on follow back.

how to accept friends and turn off follower requests on Twitter
In order to accept or turn off a follower request on the web:
- Log in to your Twitter account.
- Look on the left side of your homepage for the notification that you have a follower request.
- Depending on whether the request is approved or denied, click the notification.
Note: You will never receive a follower request from an account that has public Tweets, as they will never be asked to approve it.
In order to accept or turn off a follower request on an official app:
Twitter for Android:
- Scroll towards the middle of the Me tab to find Follower Requests.
- Alternatively, you can accept all pending requests or approve or deny individual requests.
Twitter for iPhone:
- Go to the Me tab. Your Following and Follower counts will show a banner that says Follower requests if you have any follower requests. Click on the banner.
- You can approve or deny individual requests or accept all pending follower requests when you see a list of all follower requests.
how to see pending follow requests on Twitter
For those who are just getting started with Twitter, it’s easy to view follow requests:
- Click the profile icon in the top menu to get to your profile page.
- In the Follower requests section, tap the Follow button. All follower requests will appear in a list on the left side of your screen.
- In order to approve the request, simply click the checkmark or press the X if you wish to deny it.
What If You Cancel The Pending Follow Request On Twitter?
The cancellation of a follow request on Twitter will not result in any notable changes to your followers list, and you will not be able to see the user’s Twitter account when you cancel the following request. All that could be said is that’s what it could be.
If You Cancel A Follow Request On Twitter, Does Someone Knows?

The fact that you unfollowed your friends on Twitter means they will be unable to see you unfollowed them. Nevertheless, you will no longer be able to see their activities on your newsfeed.
The only way you are able to see their posts or shares is to go to their wall in order to see those that are public, but if it is in the “friend status”, then you won’t be able to see those.
How To Know If Someone Denies Your Follow Request On Twitter
Due to the fact that you do not get notified about when someone accepts your invitation, the only way you can determine whether they did or not is to check their profile regularly to find out if they did and notice if their tweets count or anything else is going up.
If it does then it means they have been active on Twitter and they have ignored or even rejected your invitation.
What Does Pending Mean On Twitter?
Pending status indicates that you have asked to follow a protected user and they are now in the process of sending a follow request to you.
Why Can’t I See My Follower Requests On Twitter?
There may be a reason why you do not see a notification on your homepage when it comes to follower requests:
- There is a possibility that you have public tweets. The best way to maintain control over who follows you on Twitter is to protect your Tweets. In your account settings, you will be able to change this setting.
- The option of approving followers is not available to users with public Tweets. In the event that your Tweets were previously protected, any pending follower requests will not be automatically accepted if you did so previously. There will have to be a new follow-up process for these users.
- It may be that none of your followers have requested to follow you. If there are no requests on your homepage, the notification message will disappear from your homepage completely when there are no requests.
- It is possible that the user decided to cancel the request after sending it, if you received an email notifying you that a follower was awaiting approval, but did not see that request in your pending requests, then it is likely that the user decided to cancel the request.

why does Twitter follow requests not show up?
In many cases, the reason why you are no longer receiving follow requests is that the pages that followed you are not as interested in following you as they were before, or you refuse to reply or you take too long to reply, so they decided to follow you instead.
what are currently follow requests?
The currently follow requests can be interpreted as a signal to let you know that there are people who have recently sent you follow requests that you have not yet accepted, but will do so shortly.
Does Twitter track your searches?
Your location information is stored by Twitter as well as the information about the searches you do on your mobile device.
As a result, you are allowed to erase your search history, delete your location information, and disable this feature.

Andrew N. Keegan is a self-proclaimed “tech junkie” who loves consumer electronics. He loves Apple products and is always in line for the newest iPad. In addition, he loves technology, Office products, and social media.
He was continually attempting to figure out his family’s computer. This thing led to an interest in how technology may improve our lives. He holds a degree in IT from NYIT and has worked in IT for over a decade. Since then, he’s been hunting for new goods to share with friends and family.
Andrew N. Keegan loves video games, tech news, and his two cats. He’s also active on social media and shares his latest tech finds.