Are you the one who is being in a lovely relationship with someone? While you think that you are still happy and nothing can happen to this relationship. Suddenly, one beautiful day, you no longer see the other’s activity status or messages. You tried to contact him/her by all means, but the only thing that responds to you is silence. You realized that you had been ghosted by the other person, and became upset and furious. You are wondering that “Should I unfollow someone who ghosted me?” If you have that question, you have clicked on the right page.
Try to move on as quickly and thoroughly as possible. You can totally unfollow or friend with the one who has ghosted you. Maintain your dignity and keep focused on your health, happiness, and future, allowing the ghoster to face with the long-term consequences of their own immaturity and lack of bravery in a relationship.
What Is Ghosting?
Ghosting, also known as simmering or icing, is a colloquial phrase that defines the behavior of suddenly ending all communication and contact with another person without warning or explanation and then neglecting any attempts to reach out or communicate made by said person.
The phrase first appeared in the early 2000s, referring to dating and romantic relationships. The next decade saw an increase in ghosting, which has been blamed on the increased use of social media and online dating applications. The word has also been used to describe similar behaviors among friends, family members, employers, and corporations.
How to identify ghosting?

Ghosting is frequently visible, although it may also be a slow process. The other person may begin by “soft ghosting”, in which they gradually reduce communication over time. Some early warning signals that someone is ghosting you include:
- They regularly postpone or even cancel plans to get together.
- They struggle to make commitments.
- They don’t want you to know their personal information.
- They don’t want you to meet their friends or family.
- They vanish from social media.
- They seldomly respond to your messages or calls.
- Your conversations with them lack depth, and they don’t seem interested.
If you have made several attempts to contact someone and they have not responded, this is a clear indication that you have been ghosted.
On social media, ghosting can also occur. It entails abruptly discontinuing all social media interaction with another person. The other person on all social networking networks may unfriend, unfollow, or even block you. They may even deactivate or delete their social profiles to avoid all contact.
Should I Unfollow Someone Who Ghosted Me?

Ghosting hurts since it is a brutal rejection. It’s especially terrible since you’re left with no explanation, no recommendations for how to proceed, and frequently a flood of emotions to work through on your own. If you have abandonment or self-esteem issues, being ghosted may bring them to the surface.
Your ghoster is likely to surface on your different forms of social media in this day of ever-advancing technology, and if that’s the case, this individual who is now physically gone from your life is still extremely apparent. How do you proceed? Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet or tried-and-true guidance to help you recover from a ghosted heart, but there is common sense.
Gwendolyn Seidman, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology and Chair of the Psychology Department at Albright College in Pennsylvania, says, “Avoid reminders of your ex.” “They are likely to bring up unpleasant feelings, and they will not provide you with emotional closure or insight into why they broke up with you.”
After you’ve finished torturing yourself by going over old photos, saved old texts, new social media postings, and anything else you think might give you insight into your ghoster’s mind and current whereabouts (and, let’s be honest, you’re bound to be doing that even if you’re not normally an obsessive person), try to find a new distraction. Most essential, understand that this is most likely not about you or anything you did wrong.
“You should understand that if your ex used the ghosting tactic to break up with you, it likely tells you something about them and their shortcomings, rather than signaling that the problem is with you.” Dr. Seidman continues.
In other words, try to move on as quickly and thoroughly as possible. You can totally unfollow or friend with the one who has ghosted you. Maintain your dignity and keep focused on your health, happiness, and future, allowing the ghoster to face with the long-term consequences of their own immaturity and lack of bravery in a relationship.
Video About Should I Unfollow Someone Who Ghosted Me
Should I unfriend someone who ghosted me?
Yes. Why would you keep him as a friend? And I know some people have the attitude of “well, I don’t want him to think…” who cares what he thinks. He ghosted you, therefore you blocked him from your life.
Is it petty to unfollow someone on Instagram?
Don’t be overly concerned about who to follow and who to unfollow. It’s perfectly OK if you’re happy following people with whom you don’t communicate right now. Life is long, and you never know when you’ll start talking to them again. If anything bothers you about them, please unfollow them. Life is a great experience that you should continue to enrich with what you believe is best for you.
Why did he ghost but still follow me?
Maybe he ghosts you to avoid rejection or conflict with you. He is distancing himself from you. He is still interested in you, but he does not want to get too close. He can’t control you, but he finds you intriguing. You are not behaving the way he wants you to, and he is frustrated but unable to change this. Ghosting is his method of dealing with it. Perhaps he has a relationship that he does not want you to know about.
Should I give up on someone who ghosted me?
Ghosting is more about the other person than it is about you. People who have been ghosted are encouraged to “invest that effort into yourself instead.” Try not to take it personally and do not let them stay in your head for free. Unfollow them, erase their phone number, and move on. You deserve better.”
- Ghosting definition –

Andrew N. Keegan is a self-proclaimed “tech junkie” who loves consumer electronics. He loves Apple products and is always in line for the newest iPad. In addition, he loves technology, Office products, and social media.
He was continually attempting to figure out his family’s computer. This thing led to an interest in how technology may improve our lives. He holds a degree in IT from NYIT and has worked in IT for over a decade. Since then, he’s been hunting for new goods to share with friends and family.
Andrew N. Keegan loves video games, tech news, and his two cats. He’s also active on social media and shares his latest tech finds.