If you wonder, when does Franky join the crew? You can get the most correct answer here. Not just Franky, fans want to know when all the members of Straw Hat Pirates get recruited as well. So we will reveal the list of episodes when the members join here! And the list is 100% correct!
Short answer: Franky is the 8th member of the crew, and he joined the Straw Hats in chapter 437, even though he appeared long before that. He started out as an enemy of the team, stealing their money and fighting Usopp. However, he later joined the crew after fighting CP9 with the crew and became their shipwright.
When Does Franky Join The Crew?
Here is all we know about Franky and the moment he joined the Straw Hat Pirates!
What episode is Franky introduced?
Franky first appeared in One Piece anime in episode 233. He started as an antagonist for attacking Usopp and stealing the money he was carrying back to the crew’s ship. Later, Usopp confronted him in his house when Franky was celebrating the win with his family.
When does Luffy meet Franky?
Luffy meets Franky in episode 233 after the incident where Usopp got beaten up by the guy.
Does Franky leave the crew?
No, Franky leaves his hometown and loved ones behind to join the crew in episode 322. He became Straw Hats’ shipwright and declared that he would make a ship that could take the crew to the end of their adventure.
Does Franky join in water 7?
Yes, Franky joined the crew after the event of Water 7. You can watch episode 322 to see how epic and funny it was when he decided to leave his hometown island to sail with the crew. He normally had his bathing suit on but for some reason, he was procrastinating in putting it on, making island people call him a pervert in a fun and emotional manner. Watch at your own risk!
Luffy’s Crew Members Join Order Episode
Here is the list of Luffy’s crew join order:
- Luffy: First member of the crew, so he has been there since day 1
- Zoro: Episode 3
- Nami: She joined in episode 6 but left the crew to continue with her previous mission. She official rejoined in episode 44.
- Usopp: He joined and rejoined various times, but episode 17 probably is the first official join
- Sanji: Episode 30
- Chopper: Episode 91
- Robin: Episode 130
- Franky: Episode 322
- Brook: Episode 381
- Jinbe: Episode 833

Details Of Straw Hats’ Recruitment
Franky is the 8th member of the crew. What about the others? When did they become a part of the Straw Hat Pirates, and how? Get the best answer here!
What episode does Zoro join the crew?
Zoro joined the crew in episode 3. He is the first member that Luffy recruited. Luffy saves Zoro from execution, and thus, Zoro follows him on this journey, wanting to become the world’s strongest swordsman.
What episode does Nami join Luffy’s crew?
Nami joins Luffy’s crew in episode 6. She had other intentions when she first joined the crew. After learning about his ambition and honor, the girl only wanted to steal from Buggy. Still, she decided to become a navigator for Luffy’s crew. But she later left the crew and came back in episode 44.
What episode does Usopp rejoin the crew?
Usopp rejoined the crew after the event of Water 7, which is in episode 322 when Franky sails with the team for the first time as well. The ship was already sailing, and Usopp was sitting on the shore crying and apologizing to the crew. He even begged crew members to let him come with them. Finally, he rejoined with a big welcome from the group.

What episode does Luffy recruit Sanji?
Luffy recruits Sanji in episode 30. He became the ship’s cook and was the third strongest fighter among the crew.
What episode does Luffy get his 5th crew member?
The 5th crew member is Sanji, and he was recruited in episode 30. Later, Sanji’s family, Vinsmoke, gets caught up in some troubles, and Sanji feels obligated to go back and deal with things on his own. So he left the crew. However, in the letter he wrote for Straw Hats, he said he would return.
But, later, Sanji acted pridefully and refused Luffy’s invitation to return. He received a big blow in the face by Luffy and decided to return with tears in his eyes, saying that he couldn’t leave his family behind and he was ashamed to ask for help. The crew helped anyway, and he returned to Straw Hats.
In which episode chopper joins the crew?
Chopper joined the crew in episode 91 and was the first to have experience in medical treatment. He was first reluctant to participate due to unpleasant past experiences with humans. But he got moved by the crew’s spirit and decided to join them.
Who joins Luffy’s crew after Chopper?
After Chopper, Nico Robin is the next one that joins the crew. The crew was shocked when they saw her on the boat. Zoro even thought of drawing the sword to fight her.

Who is the 7th member of Luffy’s crew?
The 7th member of the Straw Hats is Nico Robin. She joined the crew shortly after Luffy rescued her from a collapsing tomb. But she left the crew to go with the Government and got captured by CP9. So she decided to leave because she didn’t want to cause trouble to the group, knowing about world history.
Straw Hats went to save her again, and she rejoined her family crew once more, with better trust this time.
What episode does Robin rejoin the crew?
In episode 278, the crew destroyed CP9 and saved Robin. And she came back with the group immediately.
When does the 8th member of Luffy’s crew join?
The 8th member of Luffy’s crew joins in episode 322, and his name is Franky.
Who joins the crew after Franky?
After Franky, Brook joined the crew as a swordsman and musician.
What episode does Luffy get his 9th crew member?
Brook joined the crew in episode 381. Brook was discovered on the mysterious island called Thriller Bark, located in the Florian Triangle. The pirate stayed there for over 50 years following the demise of his crew members and fell victim to various illnesses and enemies, only surviving through his Yomi Yomi no Mi fruit that allowed him to live a second time as an immortal skeleton.
One piece Brook joins the crew episode?
Brook joined in episode 381. He asked to join the crew and Luffy didn’t even hesitate to say yes. You can check out this video!
What episode does Jinbei join the crew?
Jinbei joined the crew in episode 833, and he is the latest member. He is the helmsman of Straw Hats, in charge of sailing and handling the ship’s direction in the endless adventure.
When does the 10th member of Luffy’s crew join?
The 10th member of Luffy’s crew is Jinbei, who joined in episode 833. His dream is to eventually achieve peaceful coexistence between his people and the human race.
Did Franky meet Kozuki Oden?
In his early years, Franky met Oden when Oden and the Roger Pirates visited Water 7.
What episode do the straw hats reunite after Kuma?
After Kuma defeated the Straw Hats in episode 405, they finally reunited in episode 517 after two years of training on their own.
What episode does Luffy and his crew reunite?
In episode 990, Luffy reunites with his crew in the Wano Arc. The first members that met up were Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Nami, Chopper, and Brook.
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Entertainment-loving Mary O. Borges grew up admiring classic films and TV and wanted to participate in the industry.
Mary attended University of Southern California after high school in 2009. She got accolades in film and TV production. Mary worked as a production assistant after graduating. She quickly realized she loved behind-the-scenes work. She believes all stories should be told and promotes marginalized voices. She seeks creative ways to entertain and engage audiences.
Since college, she’s loved comics and anime. She’s interested in how various genres reflect Japanese culture and society. Three years ago, she was a Japanese commentator. She offers an incisive, thought-provoking critique of Japanese pop culture.
Sally writes entertainment blogs in her spare time. In addition, she loves exploring Japan and other countries