Find out when is Dominican Fathers Day here! Father’s day is one of those special days in the year where children can express gratitude toward their father and celebrate their meaningful relationship. Everything you need to know about this day is here!
On 2022, Dominican Fathers Day falls on the 31st of July, the last Sunday of the month. On the last Sunday of July, Dominican families celebrate the day with their loved ones yearly.
When Is Dominican Fathers Day?

On 2022, Dominicans celebrate Father’s Day on the 31st of July. The day always falls on the last Sunday of July. Here is the schedule for Father’s Day in recent years. You can save it in your calendar to avoid forgetting it.
- 2020 Dominican Fathers’ Day: 26th of July
- 2021 Dominican Fathers’ Day: 25th of July
- 2022 Dominican Fathers’ Day: 31st of July
- 2023 Dominican Fathers’ Day: 30th of July
- 2024 Dominican Fathers’ Day: 28th of July
- 2025 Dominican Fathers’ Day: 27th of July
- 2026 Dominican Fathers’ Day: 26th of July
- 2027 Dominican Fathers’ Day: 25th of July
- 2028 Dominican Fathers’ Day: 30th of July
Ways To Say Happy Father’s Day Dominican Republic
To wish your father a happy Father’s Day, you can say many things, from simple to elaborate:
- Happy Father’s Day!
- Thanks, dad, for always being my greatest hero. You are the best!
- “There is no teacher equal to mother, and there’s nothing more contagious than the dignity of a father.”
- You are my best friend, and you will always be!
- You are awesome, and I’m grateful for everything you have done for our family and me. I love you, dad!
- My first superhero is you!
- I have learned so much from you, and I couldn’t have asked for a better dad!
Si deseas felicitar a tu padre en español, abajo están algunos ejemplos:
- Te deseo lo mejor en el Día de los Padres. ¡Te quiero mucho!
- Eres mi héroe y me has enseñado todo lo que sé hoy. No puedo imginar tener un mejor padre que tú. Gracias por todo tu esfuerzo y amor.
- Gracias por tu cariño y sacrificio durante todos estos años. Espero poder recompensar tan solo un fragmento de lo maravilloso que nos has ofrecido. ¡Feliz Día de los Padres!
- ¡Feliz Día de Los Padres! ¡Eres lo más!
Fun Facts About Dominican Fathers Day
Check out these 5 fun facts about Dominican Father’s Day and general Father’s Day in the world!
Domican´s Fathers Day is not on the same day as the US
By far, there isn’t any registered historical event linked to Father’s Day in the Dominican Republic. But, it falls on the last Sunday of July, while in the US, the day falls on the third Sunday of June.
The first parade for the day was held during the Chester Juneteenth Festival in Chester, United States.
The event occurred in 2019, and it wasn’t massive. But it was heartwarming to present such a meaningful celebration for one of the most important persons in any human’s life.
People celebrate Fathers Day on the last Sunday of July
Every last Sunday of July, Dominican families go out to honor the event personally. They usually gather the entire family to have a big outing occasion. And then the celebration follows as usual: dinner, and then people exchange gifts and words of gratitude.
72 million cards are sold on Father´s day
Cards companies always make a fortune on father’s and mother’s day. Speaking solely about the former one, 93 million cards are sold in the US during this special event. Though we doubt that it is the actual number. The number may be even higher, as we don’t count smaller and private card companies.
$2.5 billion are spent on special outings on Fathers Day
A special outing is the most widely chosen gift for fathers on this day in the US. And the total amount of money people spends on this day is a whopping 2.5 billion dollars. What a gran industry it is!

Ties are the most stereotypical gifts on this day
Unfortunately, ties are the most stereotypical gifts on Dominican Fathers Day, and most fathers don’t want them anymore. On the other hand, ties, socks, and mugs are some of the most widely chosen gifts, and they get very repetitive each year.
Even though it’s not easy to choose a unique gift for fathers, try your best to pick something not too general. For example: perfumes, electronic gadgets, any gadget related to your father’s favorite sport, beer dispenser, wine cooler, a special bottle of wine, etc.
¿Cuándo es el dia de los padres dominicanos?
En 2022, el día de Los padres dominicanos cae en el día 31 de julio. E el próximo año, será el 30 de julio.
Do they celebrate fathers Day in the Dominican Republic?
Yes, people celebrate Father’s Day worldwide, and each culture has a way of making it memorable.
Why is fathers Day different in different countries?
Because some countries build the holiday based on a historical event, which is different in each country.
How many countries celebrate Fathers Day?
It is celebrated worldwide, and there isn’t an exact number of how many countries hold events on Father’s Day.
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Tracy M. Hall was born in 1995 and studies society, human behavior, and mentality. She’s captivated by people’s interactions and motivations. After studying sociology, she got a Ph.D. in social psychology from Carnegie Mellon University. She wrote about human interaction, separation, and the future.
Tracy M. Hall is a social butterfly who likes meeting new people. She’s a superb listener and often acts as a confidante or mediator, eager to help others. Tracy’s life is an open book; Tracy shares her experiences to benefit others. She’s a natural optimist who feels everyone has something to offer and loves helping others realize their best.
Tracy M. Hall volunteered with mental health groups for years. She’s dedicated to destigmatizing mental illness and assisting.