Why do my farts smell like popcorn? I’m sure you’ve all heard that there is a direct correlation between your diet and your health. But what if I told you that your body actually has a built-in way of detecting the foods you eat and that your body can even tell the difference between a healthy and unhealthy diet? Your gas smell can reveal many hidden secrets about your current health condition.
Your fart smells like popcorn after eating it because the human body does not effectively break down corn. Because maize is a tough grain, it remains somewhat intact during normal digestion.
Farts Smell Like Popcorn
Have you ever wondered why your farts smell like popcorn? Find out the detailed reason behind this phenomenon here!
Why do my farts smell like popcorn?
You are what you eat. Farts are a mixture of air and food particles in the digestive system. The food particles in your fart are what cause the smell. Thus, the gas you release is a result of the food you consume. Likewise, the foods you eat have a chemical reaction in the digestive tract, resulting in a gas smell. So if you recently ate popcorn, it’s not surprising that you release the same odor.

Does popcorn make your farts stink?
Yes, it can. Popcorn is made of corn which contains a natural enzyme called amylase that breaks down into gas when heated. So the stench from the fart is a result of the gas that is released from the kernels inside your stomach and intestine. The same goes for burps.
Why does popcorn make me fart?
Popcorn is made from corn kernels containing certain enzymes that make them stinky. In addition, it has natural gas inside it and combined with the gas and acid that your body naturally produces, popcorn will eventually make you fart more than usual.
Why Does Popcorn Smell Like Fart?
Some people are sensitive to the scent of popcorn. It is also determined by the theater. Many theaters have switched from tropical oils to canola oil. The problem is that canola burns at a lower temperature and most poppers are set to tropical.
That implies the oil will burn in the kettle if the heat is not turned off as soon as it begins to pop. That’s the scent that’s frequently stronger than the popcorn itself.
When you eat a lot of high-fat foods, the bacteria in your gut produce more gas. The gas produced is odorless, but if it builds up to a certain point, it will start to stink. The odor is caused by sulfur-containing compounds called thiols. These compounds give the odor of cooked corn.
How Your Gas Reflects Your Digestive Health
Your digestive tract is an essential part of your body. It breaks down food, absorbs nutrients, and eliminates waste. So how can gas, a product of the digestive system, can reflect your health? Here are some fun facts you should know!
Odorless farts
Most gas has no odor and is created by ingested air. Hoovering your food, drinking fizzy beverages, and chewing wads of gum can all be contributors. What does not pass through your digestive tract in the form of a burp will meander its way out the other end. While this is completely natural and harmless to your health, you may reduce your gas intake by eating slowly and avoiding drinking sodas.

Stinky farts
Smelly farts are caused by hydrogen sulfide, a gas the body produces as it breaks down meals containing sulfur. Sulfur may be found in various superfoods, including broccoli, beans, and cauliflower. In addition, high fiber diets or some drugs are common causes of foul-smelling gas.
Extremely stinking farts may indicate a health issue worth investigating. These farts can also be a symptom of a chronic condition such as irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, or gastroenteritis.
Burning farts
If your gas burns, it’s most likely due to diarrhea and an irritable anus or because you’ve been eating spicy foods. Either way, it’s not good for your health. Diarrhea can lead to dehydration, which can be fatal if not handled. As for spicy food, it can cause vomiting, heartburn, stomach burning, or gastroesophageal reflux. So make sure you tone down with your strong-flavored diet.
Farts with abdominal pain
Flatulence symptoms can be caused by various medical disorders, including indigestion, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome. Gas can stretch the stomach and intestines as it passes through the digestive tract. This can cause intense, jabbing pain as well as bloating or cramping that is quite painful.

Why do you like the smell of your own farts?
The most likely reason we tolerate the scent of our farts is that we become used to it quickly. To help us maintain appropriate hygiene, we’ve developed to appreciate our aromas. We couldn’t care for our own bodies if we were disgusted by them.
Are smelly stinky farts healthy?
Hydrogen sulfide, a component found in smelly gas, may have health advantages such as protecting heart health or avoiding dementia. However, in most situations, a stinky fart suggests a health concern such as irritable bowel syndrome or colon cancer.
Is popcorn an inflammatory food?
Popcorn may raise the risk of inflammation, and being a high-starch, high-carb snack, it is not suitable for persons following low-carb diets.
Is popcorn hard on the digestive system?
Popcorn is well-known for its propensity to flow through your intestines without being wholly digested or broken down. Those undigested particles might become lodged in the intestine’s diverticula, aggravating the digestive tract.

I’m Renee L. Bazile, and I’m passionate about health and fitness. Keeping fit and active has always been a passion of mine.
I graduated from Nova Southeastern University with a degree in Exercise Science. I believe being healthy and fit is the key to a happy and successful life.
Over the past ten years, I have trained more than 10.000 clients in the fitness industry. My goal is to help others achieve their fitness goals. The saying goes, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” Therefore, we all need to exercise regularly to maintain health and fitness.
In 2019, I became an expert on health & fitness topics for ThisIsGuernsey after starting my blog about health & fitness. I relax and rebalance my life by walking, fishing, and blogging in my free time.